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What is platform 65 based on?

Built on the concept of a Toy train-themed, Platform 65 is based on a quirky, railway theme that will set your hearts chugging. Get seated in fancy chair-car seats, with locomotive wall designs all around you to give that extra feel.

Is platform 65 a good place to eat?

Platform 65 offers a vivid menu that has must-try preparations from various cuisines. Foodies will have a hard time picking and choosing from our lavish menu, Delve in the delicacy from North Indian, South Indian, Chinese, and Tandoori cuisines, Platform65 boasts not only an innovative toy-train theme but mouthwatering food as well.

Does platform 65 have a toy train?

Yes, you read that correctly: at Platform 65, you simply place your order and have your delicious food delivered to your table by a toy train. Not only that, but the entire restaurant ambience is designed as a train, from seats similar to the Tejas Express to fans similar to those seen in the trains.

What does isplatform(platformname) return?

Depending on the platform the user is on, isPlatform (platformName) will return true or false. Note that the same app can return true for more than one platform name. For example, an app running from an iPad would return true for the platform names: mobile, ios, ipad, and tablet.

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